No love

I’m estranged from my computer. We’re speaking, but barely. I’m a bit disenchanted with it at the moment. It hasn’t said or done anything wrong. I’m just a little...bored.

It’s always the same old, same old. We never do anything fun anymore. Never do anything spontaneous. It’s all just videos, pictures, music, e-mail, IM-ing, blogs, games, online shopping. It all gets kinda boring. Where’d the light in its eyes go? What happened to the hand-holding? How come it has nothing much to say, anymore?

So I’ve been taking a break. I’ve been turning my attention to other things. Things I can touch, smell, hear, taste. Real things in the actual, physical world—the kind of things I’ve been friends with all my life, as opposed to this flashy new companion. Oh, I’ll still see it, have dinner or coffee with it, have some laughs. I’ll enjoy it for what it is. But it’s not the love of my life, and I’m not going to waste my time pretending that it is. It’s entertaining, but ultimately has very little substance. And I’m a substance girl.

Still gonna blog. Still enjoy it. Maybe won’t be checking so eagerly and so often for e-mail, friend requests and comments. We’re not breaking up, my computer and I. We’re just entering a new phase of our relationship.


Anonymous said…

Your entry really made me laugh! ;-) I, too, run to my computer too often to check for email, etc. What did we do with all of this time spent on computers BEFORE computers??? Maybe you'll find out and let us know...???

Gina said…
Right!! Maybe we should ask our parents and grandparents what they used to do, since WE can't remember!! Play cards, knit, fix cars, build things, play checkers, TALK...remember all of that?? (:
Anonymous said…
It's a way to connect with people! In today's busy times, we can't always get babysitters or find time to see all of our friends but we can talk to several at once...we are sucked in! I love it but at the same time I too do need a break from the incessant call of the computer and need to do something more substantial. Good for you!
Anonymous said…
Last comment from Tess..(Sorry!)
Libbycookie said…
I am still totally offline at home. I thought it would be best to be without that connection, so I could cultivate other interests: cooking, reading, thinking, arting, etc....But I'm finally going bonkers!! Need to get a hook-up some time soon.
Gina said…

I think we must be growing special elaborate synapses in our brains that automatically reach for microchip connections...Jeez, what ARE we evolving into...?

I applaud your efforts at cultivating life!! Kudos to ya!!

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