Water, Water, Everywhere...And Not a Drop to Drink

I’ve been feeling very strange the last couple of months.  My nose has been stuffy due to allergies.  My anxiety has been pretty intense.  I haven’t been wanting to do much in the way of creative things, or I’ll start something and not follow through.  I’ve been feeling overwhelmed by the idea that I have so much to do, but so little time to do it.  I’ve been insecure about my relationship (the one I never NEED to feel insecure about because it’s so awesome).  I’ve had acid reflux.  I’ve had sore muscles.  I’ve been tired, uninspired.  I’ve had trouble concentrating, remembering, figuring things out.  Most recently, I’ve felt really, really thirsty and my lips are really dry and peely. 

I KNOW I don’t drink enough water.  This is not my first time in this clown rodeo.  I’ve had these conditions before, and realized it was largely due to my not drinking enough water.  I was especially floored when I read, even though it made sense, that being dehydrated can affect your mood and anxiety levels.  Well, your brain is an organ, and it needs water, too.  It’s actually 85% water, and NEEDS water to function its little functions.  Being dehydrated can mimic depression.  Your brain can’t make serotonin without water.  Blood also needs water in order to be more flow-y, bringing and taking away what it needs to in every organ, including the brain.  It can help boost your immune system, makes your digestive system run better. Water helps all cells and tissues do their jobs smoothly, like oil in a car and lubricant in a gear machine.   Not enough moisture and things run rough and dry and it’s a train wreck. 

 All too often in the past, I’ve been able to ignore this.  I’ve not taken good care of myself, consistently and long-term.  Oh, I get good for awhile, and things improve, but then I forget, get dehydrated again, and the whole vicious circle turns over on itself and begins again.  I forget to maintain it.   

I call upon Pisces, Cancer, and Scorpio, the water signs.  I call on the water nymphs and merfolk.  I call on Poseidon, and by his other name, Neptune, on Yemaya, on Gong Gong (who I unknowingly did a painting of YEARS ago, thinking Gong Gong meant simply “Grandfather”).  I call on the river and sea deities to remind me to drink of their essence.  Every. Single. Day. 

I make a promise to myself and my loved ones to do this.  I don’t want to make a shambles of my life just because I forget or I can be lazy.  Water is a simple solution and it’s free and available to me (where I live, thank Goddess).  I will pay my respects to the water spirits living in me, and nourish them well. 


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