Gettin' it done

I have at long last been accomplishing things, hence the lack of updating (and socializing). I did a couple of graphic projects for work, and I have been working on designing my business card and website. The business card is done except for the mailing address (which I have yet to procure). The website...well, I bought “Macromedia Studio MX 2004 For Dummies”. It’s 850 pages. It’s almost as long as “War and Peace”. But they say it’s the best program to use, so I’m going to learn it, by Jove. I already bought my domain name, and so now I just have to fill it.

I also finally, at long last, have finished my painting of the little dancer girl! Yes! I have to take pictures of it, get prints made, and frame it, so I can bring it to the cafe. At this point, I don’t want to sell the original, just prints of it. Oh, and I have to think of a title. It can’t be anything involving the words “dancer” or “dance”—too obvious. Once I think of a title, I can put it up on Virtual Canvas, with my other pieces. And I like the way she came out so much that I’ve decided to put her on my business cards as well.

I feel like such a functioning adult...


Libbycookie said…
Congratulations on finishing the painting! Great to see you at Janet Klein the other night. Technically, I think that's socializing...but you have been impressively, fantastically productive. Kudos.
Gina said…
Tank you! I know--it was great seeing you, too! The pleasantest of surprises! "Pardon me, I never went to college, but wasn't THAT socializing?" Why, yes, it was, come to think of it! So I'm not as hermit-like as I thought. S'okay, soon I'll be able to socialize AND pass out business cards as I do...
alanna_b said…
dreamweaver's good too, for what it's worth. ;D
Gina said…
Much! It's worth much! I'm making pitiful attempts to learn Dreamweaver...perhaps when the quarter (semester?) is over, you could tutor me in DW? Just a little bit? I'll talk to you about it in person...

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